Think: "You think you can, You think you can, You think you can" & one day say: "You thought you could, You said you could, You knew you could" & thus, at least: you thought you did.

Posts tagged ‘Grief’

Dichotomy of Days


Joy then Grief
Excitement then Dread
Laughter then Tears
Celebration then Mourning
Lights then Candles
Feast then Fast
Forced forgetfulness then Flood of memories
Laughter then Tears
Elation then Depression
Embracing Christmas spirit then Remembering spirit passed
Focused on a birth then Focused on a death


Context:  “…Christmas time is already bittersweet.  Daddy died at 4 am on  December 26, 2010.  With each passing year, I’ve worked very hard to separate, in my mind, Christmas from the day after Christmas.  Christmas is a time to celebrate, to recognize God’s greatest gift to us.  I pour everything I have into making it spectacular for my children.  Seeing them excited and happy fills me with so much joy.  The day after Christmas is a time of mourning.  I spend time with my family, listening to daddy’s songs and reading his comics.  I laugh and cry.  I remember.  I love.  I grieve what was lost.  I try not to think of what might have been.” – Written 12/2015