~ super through Christ alone ~

Archive for December, 2014

The Story of a Dream


Sorry I came without calling first
This is not the time or place
But I had to tell you
That in heaven, it’s not too bad
Tomorrow you won’t remember
“It was only a dream,” you’ll tell yourself
And my reply will be in the form of a shooting star

Now you’d better get some rest
Let me tuck you in like I did years ago
Do you remember when I used to sing you to sleep?
They only let me come,
Enter your dreams to see you
It’s just, that on that sad night
I couldn’t tell you goodby

And when it was time for me to go
To that land of peace
I just wanted to tell you goodby,
Give you a kiss and see you one more time.
I promise you, you’ll be happy
So put on that Beautiful Smile

And Like that, only like that
Do I want to remember you
Like that, like before,
Like that, looking forward
Like that,
You made my life better
Like that

& now I anoint you
Only you will continue our journey
Well, it’s getting late
I have to leave now
In a few seconds you’ll wake up.

(loose translation – “La Historia de un Sueño” by La Oreja de Van Gogh)

Sick of Santa

Bella Prefers Jesus

“I don’t know about you but I’m sick of giving that guy all the credit.” This was my end reply to the question of what Mica wanted from Santa this year. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I felt the Holy Spirit’s still, small voice say, “Well, why do you?”

I’ve never had to have the “Santa Talk” with Mica because I’ve always made light of him while bringing the true meaning of Christmas into focus. “It’s fun to pretend there’s a Santa, isn’t it? But what’s the real reason we celebrate Christmas? Right, Jesus!” Yet, she’s always gone to see Santa and gotten gifts from him.

One year she wanted a Dora kite. We had lost one in the wind earlier that Fall. I searched high and low for a kite for sale in Winter. I went to every store that existed. I looked online. No one was selling a Dora kite. So, I bought some wrapping paper with Dora on it and made her one. Boy did it sting when she opened it on Christmas and said, “Wow, thanks, Santa!”

In our home, we have been focusing on the lesson of how God uses people to provide for others. One night, Hope was over and saw what she believed to be her bag of candy. Mica contended that it was hers (my mistake, I didn’t write their names on their bags). A big fight ensued. Tempers flared, screaming commenced, and tears flowed. Finally, I gave Hope the bag and took my daughter aside. “It really doesn’t matter whose candy it is, it’s more important to be nice to your cousin. Besides, if you had just given the candy away, don’t you think I would have given you more?” Again, the Holy Spirit spoke. I went on to tell her that’s how God is with us. When we are obedient and give of what we have, God, our father, who loves us will always provide. I think she had an epiphany too. I told her that I felt like God wanted to bless her this year, but that she had to trust Him and she needed to do her part and give too. As it turns out, they have been focusing on this at our Church as well. She picked out four Barbie dolls in good condition, with clothes and gave them to another girl who didn’t have much this year.

We, ourselves, don’t have a lot of money this year. But God has certainly blessed us. Mica will have all she wished for and more. But the gifts under the tree that have been donated to us say, “From: Jesus”. The ones we have purchased are from Mommy, Daddy and twins. I do know that she is getting one big gift from Grandma. It remains to be seen if it will say, “From Santa” or not. Regardless, I know she will know that in the end, all good things come from God.

Double Talk Quote: “How is Christmas like your job? You work and work and a fat guy in a suit gets all the credit.” – Pastor Allen

Verse: Give and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38

Word that has Lost its meaning: Magic

Relatable Lyrics: “The Gift Goes On” by Sandy Patty – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqu6fMK7ZhA

December 22, 2014 (5 months)

A Grateful Heart

The Earthquakers 2

I’ve written before about the way God changed my heart about asking for and accepting help from others. (See the article “Pleas and Thank Yous” https://theearthquakers.wordpress.com/2014/08/29/pleas-thank-yous/).

Since I was a little girl, I have always believed in tithing. At least ten percent of any money I’ve ever made has gone directly toward a Godly cause. Amor agrees with me on this and no matter how tough things have gotten, neither of us have ever even considered not tithing. It just was not an option.

Pregnancy was more expensive than I had anticipated. Because I was carrying twins, I needed an ultrasound every week (sometimes more if they didn’t catch each baby moving with the first ultrasound). I had some insurance, but it only covered basic stuff and had a high co-pay, so those doctor’s visits really added up. Plus our trips to the grocery store were pricy as well. High quality food comes at a premium and I was determined to grow my little babies as big as they could get in the womb regardless of the cost. At about 32 weeks, I was so big that everyday tasks became very difficult. Keeping up with Mica and Hope was pretty near impossible. By 36 weeks, I was bedridden. It was all I could do to get up to pee! So Amor asked for time off work as a restaurant server and was quickly terminated leaving us pretty much penniless. We got by though, by God’s grace.

My whole life, I’ve worried about finances. My family was not well-off growing up and my parents’ fights often had a monetary undertone that kept me wondering, “Are we going to be alright?” No matter how tight things got, we always were. But I think the mentality always stuck with me. That is, until the day Amor got fired. Looking at it from a carnal perspective, this is the one time during my adult life that I should have been the most concerned about money. But I wasn’t. God took that burden from me and replaced it with a reminder, a scripture that both my parents had always stood upon and one that I’ve always heard but never really put my full faith upon: God feeds the birds that are much less significant than I. He clothes the lilies, which are here today and dead tomorrow, with such splendor and glory, not even the wisest, wealthiest man in history, Solomon, was as well adorned (Matthew 6:25-34).

Shortly after the birth of the babies, I joined a mommy’s group at our church. It was incredibly refreshing to have the emotional and moral support of other mothers, at least one of whom has twins herself. During prayer requests, I would often ask for prayer regarding our financial situation. Around mid-November, my sister Sarah and I were running a little late to one of our meetings. When we got downstairs, I noticed a few boxes of “stuff” but didn’t think anything of it, since we were collecting for “Operation Christmas Child” by Samaritan’s Purse to make shoe boxes for children overseas. But at the end of the meeting, the group leader revealed that God had put on their hearts to do an extra service project. They announced that they planned to “adopt” our family for Christmas. In addition, some of the other mommies had gotten together and collected clothes for our babies (which is what happened to be in the boxes). I was overcome with emotion. Tears flooded my cheeks. I don’t remember exactly what I said, except to try to convey how incredibly grateful I was.

Since then, other moms have brought by food, clothes, toys, supplies, and all kinds of gently used goods that have been such a blessing to us. We recently had a huge expense arise with our vehicle, an older model van, which needed some extensive work to pass inspection. We had no problems getting it fixed because so many of our every day needs have been met. Almost all of the twin’s entire winter wardrobe was donated to us. I haven’t needed to buy diapers in over a month! We’ve been given household goods and personal items such as bathroom tissue, laundry detergent, and lipstick. Christmas gifts for my 6-year old have been dropped off or sent in the mail. People from our church brought oatmeal for us nursing moms, breast milk storage bags, nursing pads, and I was even given a breast pump (BEFORE my old one broke down completely)! It just goes to show me that God knows what I need before I do and puts a plan into action.

I am so thankful and grateful to all those who have helped and continue to help. At first, I tried to keep track of who gave what so that I could write thank you cards or send thanks in a message, but with so much variety, and so much given anonymously, that has become impossible.

So I give thanks to God, who is Jehovah Jireh, my provider. Thank You, Father, for blessing me with a wonderful little family, and for my extended family who offers so much love and support, especially in a time of need. Thank You for my church and for friends with open hearts who allow You to work through them. What a blessing it is to have a friend in Jesus.

Double Talk Story: Even as I end this article, I see a car in our driveway, someone else from our church to lend a helping hand. Praise God!

Bible Verse: My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

Word that has Lost its meaning: worry

Relatable Lyrics: “Thank you for giving to the Lord” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j_YpZQi-I4

December 8, 2014 ( Mica 6 years, twins 5 months old)

the earthquakers - Micaela