~ super through Christ alone ~

Micaela happy

Livin’ on Mica Time

Scurry out of bed, No time to rest my head

Gotta be somewhere, No time to brush my hair

Hurry up and wait, There will be trouble if I’m late


Only 24 hours in a day, In this dimension anyway,

But appointments, schedules, and deadlines, don’t exist (don’t exist)… In Mica Time!


It’s Nice, It’s fun, It’s downright awesome, Livin’ on Mica Time.

To be so free, It’s so darn easy, Livin’ on Mica Time.

It’s tried it’s true, It’s good for you, Livin’ on Mica Time

Relax and just enjoy the ride,  There’s no pressure… on Mica Time (…on Mica Time)


Endless possibilities, No limit to imagination

There’s no such thing as being late,

on time, early, or wait


If only the rest of the world would catch up & live on Mica time!


(Note to Mica:  I’m going to need some help with the music part of all these songs I come up with, so keep tinkering with that piano baby!)

Double Talk Quote:  “Oooh, mommy, can we match wearing mismatched socks?” – only Mica

matching mismatched socks

Verse:  “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” 2 Peter 3:8

Term that has Lost its meaning: 24/7

Relatable Lyrics: Patience (Herbert the Snail) – Music Machine:  The Fruit of the Spirit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kn6Z2Mop5I&list=PL38ACE7EA0DE0E420&index=12 (Agapeland Music)

Another note to Amorcita, I’ll love you and keep you forever and always for all eternity plus longer than infinity and beyond the end of all time!

Mommy Belle Micaela snow

Comments on: "3. Livin’ on Mica Time" (8)

  1. I wanna live on Mica time!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Genuinely heartwarming ❤ I love it.
    The Mica quote is so awesome ^.^ the verse is perfect 🙂

    She has some good points, you know. Well written song, Supermommy, with super Mica inspiration ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Great, great post, and what a beauty you have there! You’re such a wonderful and loving mom and a true inspiration!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you! As you know the whole Mommy gig isn’t as easy as some believe (well, usually the ones who believe that are the ones without kids but anyway), I consider it a blessing and privilege to do the job. Sometimes it’s hard not to feel lost with your oldest. But I love her with all I am, and she keeps me laughing every day!

      Thanks so much for always reading. I always look forward to reading your comments!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the mismatched matched sox, now you just need to put them on a fox on an ox in a box…You’re too cute Mica!
    Belle, you are an amazing mommy & I hope to be like you someday!!! With so much love oozing & permeating from your heart like the Father’s. These kids know that they are loved & cherished for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

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