~ super through Christ alone ~


perserverance - Brooks

I’ve wanted to bury my head in the sand and hope all my “challenges” just fade away on their own.  Unfortunately, I don’t live in an episode of “Sanford and Son” where mail can just be put back in the mailbox without consequence.  I have to be an adult and deal with my problems.

Sanford and Son

We attend Daystar church, which has an excellent Kid’s ministry.  Each month the elementary age students take home “God Time” cards, which are children’s devotionals that correspond with what they’re teaching at church.  Their theme this month is “Perseverance: refusing to give up when life gets hard.”  Each morning this past week, while doing the devotions with Mica, the cards seemed to be ministering as much, if not more, to me than to her.

When I feel this overwhelmed, I’m reminded of Joshua crossing the Jordan river.  He asked God to make a way and God told him to send the ark of the covenant (where the Lord dwelled) first and to just start walking.  With each small step Joshua’s tribes took, the river slowly dried up until he and all the Israelites were safely on the other side.


Google Images – eyeofprophecy

Small steps.  I have to put God first and just take small steps and walk out into the water and trust that He will make a way for me.

(April 5-12, 2016 – Twins 21 months, Mica 8, Hope 6)

Double Talk Story: I made my to-do list and after having marked off a couple of items with my highlighter, I felt better, invigorated, like I’d accomplished something.  I walked out the room for just a few minutes and returned to see that nearly the entire list had been accomplished by a babe (if only)!

To-Do List

Brooks helps Mommy with her To-Do List!

Bible Verse:  Joshua 3: 14-17

Term which meaning I dread:  Tax Season

Relatable Lyrics:  Shackles” by Mary Mary

“Everything that could go wrong, All went wrong at one time
So much pressure fell on me, I thought I was gon lose my mind
But I know you wanna see, If I will hold on through these trials…

…You broke the chains now I can lift my hands, And I’m gonna praise you”

Comments on: "Perseverance" (21)

  1. LOL – I guess then I was a better “adult” when I was a lot younger (mostly a kid). I dotted every “i” and crossed every “t”. That’s how you get to be valedictorian. But somewhere I got too overwhelmed, and started ignoring the mail!! Yeah, I sometimes pay the consequences, but I can’t seem to help myself. I don’t really understand it. I think mail just gets me mad, and I don’t like being mad. You probably are a lot more responsible than I am…I’m about ready to go in the other direction!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Come to think about it – in Sanford & Son, it was the father that was the irresponsible one, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think I am a lot like Fred putting the mail back into the box. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and want to just run away. I do not want to take the small steps. I want to leap over the tall building in a single bound! So, when I realise I cannot do that, I find that trusting God is the only solution to the problem. Lord knows… I will never be able to do it myself. Even if I still try and try after giving it to Him.

    Lord, please make a way for me, and open my eyes to see it. AMEN.


    • Dear God, I stand in agreement with Lizzy in her prayer. Please help her not to feel overwhelmed or defeated by anything that she comes across. Help her to take action the way you want her to and rely on you to guide her through the things she’s going through. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. If anyone can persevere, it’s you! You got a laugh out of me for a remembering the classic show “Sanford and Son”. You got an even bigger laugh out of me when you showed what Brooks did to your list! Thinking of you with love!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved the surprised creativity of your to do list 🙂 Hope you’re finding strength and perseverance

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I just love what you post….you are such a blessing and have a real gift…thank you for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful! Yes going to FX was a good reminder of perseverance!! I love how God is always teaching us in all kinds of unexpected ways!
    How do you eat an elephant?

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  8. When I saw your daytimer all coloured up with the highlighter, at first, before reading further, I though, “Boy, she really goes to town marking off that ‘to-do’ list’ lol As for perseverance, I so get this. I feel…well, not like God has abandoned me, but I feel devoid of that fullness that I usually have from the Holy Spirit. I even said to my friend the other day, “I really need to feel the Holy Spirit,” and she said, “You are. The very fact that you’re saying this is proof of His love for you.” I guess so…I guess I keep waiting for the water to dry up so I can walk across the river as well. Have a great day Mommy Of Twins. It’s always so peaceful coming to your blog. I actually felt my “God” moment after reading this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Praise the Lord! I’m so glad you could relate and that this helped you in some small way. God is so good and His Holy Spirit is all around us all the time, even when we feel so far away; it’s a “Footprints in the Sand” sort of thing, I guess.


  9. I feel like there are so many human moments where we are just overwhelmed. I’m starting to learn the balance that I can’t be or do everything. God is my everything and will make a way. Thanks for the follow by the way 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  10. That insghit’s just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks!

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